Textile Arts with Rachel Ruleaux

Hub Art Studio

Rachel will lead us through a variety of textile arts and inspire us to create unique projects in this class. Maximum 11 participants. Sign up on-line at www.thehubsheridan.org or by calling Amanda Munford at (307) 675-4952. July will be two sessions 7/23 & 7/30.  Must have attended the first session

RSVP Now Free 11 spots left

Crocheting and Knitting

Hub Art Studio

Bring your latest project and work on it with friends. The multi-talented Donna Stubbs will be available to assist you if needed. Beginners are welcome! $5 voluntary contribution

Event Series Craft Fusion

Craft Fusion

Talented, local artist Sharyn Siler will guide us in creating interesting junk journals, collage art, and more! Learn Gelli printing and other mixed media techniques. Bring your own ideas and share them with the class. There will be a charge for some kits. No sign up required. $5 Suggested Contribution.

Crocheting and Knitting

Hub Art Studio

Bring your latest project and work on it with friends. The multi-talented Donna Stubbs will be available to assist you if needed. Beginners are welcome! $5 voluntary contribution

Event Series Craft Fusion

Craft Fusion

Talented, local artist Sharyn Siler will guide us in creating interesting junk journals, collage art, and more! Learn Gelli printing and other mixed media techniques. Bring your own ideas and share them with the class. There will be a charge for some kits. No sign up required. $5 Suggested Contribution.

Crocheting and Knitting

Hub Art Studio

Bring your latest project and work on it with friends. The multi-talented Donna Stubbs will be available to assist you if needed. Beginners are welcome! $5 voluntary contribution

Event Series Craft Fusion

Craft Fusion

Talented, local artist Sharyn Siler will guide us in creating interesting junk journals, collage art, and more! Learn Gelli printing and other mixed media techniques. Bring your own ideas and share them with the class. There will be a charge for some kits. No sign up required. $5 Suggested Contribution.

Culinary Arts Club

Hub Art Studio

Create delicious, healthy meals and learn new techniques with Amanda Munford and guests. Max 10 participants. Sign up required by the Thursday before each class either online at www.thehubsheridan.org or call Amanda at (307) 675-4952.

RSVP Now Free 10 spots left