Textile Arts with Rachel Ruleaux

Hub Art Studio

Rachel will lead us through a variety of textile arts and inspire us to create unique projects in this class. Maximum 11 participants. Sign up on-line at www.thehubsheridan.org or by calling Amanda Munford at (307) 675-4952. July will be two sessions 7/23 & 7/30.  Must have attended the first session

RSVP Now Free 11 spots left

Crocheting and Knitting

Hub Art Studio

Bring your latest project and work on it with friends. The multi-talented Donna Stubbs will be available to assist you if needed. Beginners are welcome! $5 voluntary contribution

Event Series Woodcarvers


Hub Art Studio

Carve together. All levels welcome! Members of the group share how-to’s and tools. $5 voluntary contribution.

Crocheting and Knitting

Hub Art Studio

Bring your latest project and work on it with friends. The multi-talented Donna Stubbs will be available to assist you if needed. Beginners are welcome! $5 voluntary contribution

Crocheting and Knitting

Hub Art Studio

Bring your latest project and work on it with friends. The multi-talented Donna Stubbs will be available to assist you if needed. Beginners are welcome! $5 voluntary contribution