As our community faced the challenges of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Home-Delivered Meals volunteers at The Hub on Smith rose to the challenge showing up seven days a week all year delivering warm, delicious meals to any and all in need. 

Now, more than ever, these meals became more than just a meal. Our volunteers were a friendly face in a time of isolation, comfort of knowing someone was there to check in, and a symbol of community and togetherness.

My name is Jamie Brester and I am ecstatic to be the new volunteer and community education coordinator at The Hub on Smith. I am excited to be a part of this community and a place where we can provide “more than a meal.” My role as the volunteer coordinator is to recruit volunteers and place them in their niche, creating a wonderful experience for the volunteer, the organization and ultimately, the patrons of The Hub.

Currently, The Hub on Smith has approximately 350 volunteers. Our volunteers’ range in age from 13 to 98 years old. We simply could not operate without the dedication of these men and women. We are so fortunate to have them as an integral part of our team. Every volunteer has a different story or reason for giving their time and luckily at The Hub the possibilities for volunteering are endless.

Volunteering is not a one size fits all. Many people are aware of the volunteers that deliver meals, work at Urban Thrift (either in the store or the warehouse), provide administrative support and help with fundraising project. The Hub also has friendly visitors who meet with and check in on people in the community who are experiencing brain change. We have volunteers who help people with small home repairs and upkeep of their property. These volunteers are helping seniors stay in their homes longer which increases their quality of life.

Many of the classes, presentations and activities that are provided by The Hub are led by volunteers. These activities are an essential piece of The Hub community and brings people together. Many studies have shown that seniors that participate in activities live healthier and happier lives. We even have volunteers that bring new ideas and activities to The Hub.

Due to the efforts of some local volunteers, The Hub has been able to plant a community garden. This program is now in its second year and provides lots of opportunities for volunteers, staff and patrons to enjoy gardening again.

Another newer volunteer opportunity has been through The Hub’s Tech Connect Program. This program provides devices such as iPads to seniors and teaches them how to use applications like Facebook and Zoom to connect with family and friends.

At The Hub, we hear so many heartwarming stories from our volunteers. The benefits that they receive from donating their time and talents is more than worth the effort. Many volunteers are retired and appreciate being able to stay active and give back to the community. We are currently seeking new volunteers for our ever-growing organization.

As a volunteer, you pick your schedule. You may work one hour a week or a whopping 40. It is up to you. All we need from you is a smile and a commitment. If you are interested in volunteering, either as an individual or as a business please call 307-675-4961 or email [email protected].