Event Series Music Makers Piano Lessons

Music Makers Piano Lessons

Methodist Church 215 W Works St, Sheridan, United States

Have you always wanted to play the piano? Open to beginners and returning players who have a curiosity to play. Join Janet Ruleaux for an exciting interactive way to learn piano at any time. Two sessions are now available. Handicap accessible. Contact Janet at 307-752-5312 with questions or to sign

Event Series Music Makers Piano Lessons

Music Makers Piano Lessons

Methodist Church 215 W Works St, Sheridan, United States

Have you always wanted to play the piano? Open to beginners and returning players who have a curiosity to play. Join Janet Ruleaux for an exciting interactive way to learn piano at any time. Two sessions are now available. Handicap accessible. Contact Janet at 307-752-5312 with questions or to sign

Spring Craft Bazaar

The Hub on Smith 211 Smith Street, Sheridan

Stop by for some holiday gifts from our multi-talented Hub crafters! Tuesday, April 1 • 9:00 am to 12:15 pm • Community Room

Event Series Tap Dance with Jennifer Kahm

Tap Dance with Jennifer Kahm

Hub Fitness Room 211 Smith Street, Sheridan, WY, United States

A tap dance class for all levels. Come expecting to learn basic tap steps, and simple choreography. We'll keep things simple and fun. Contact Amanda at (307) 675-4952 for questions. Tuesdays • 10:30-11:30 am • $5 voluntary contribution • Fitness Room

Crocheting and Knitting

Hub Art Studio

Bring your latest project and work on it with friends. The multi-talented Donna Stubbs will be available to assist you if needed. Beginners are welcome! Thursdays • 1:00-3:00 pm • $5 voluntary contribution • Art Studio

Event Series Uke ‘n Strum

Uke ‘n Strum

Hub Community Room 211 Smith St, Sheridan, WY, United States

All levels welcome. Ukuleles are available to try in class. Digital instructions and music can be sent to your phone or computer free of charge or you can purchase printed materials for a $10 fee. New members are welcome to start at 9:30 am for beginner lessons. Contact Barb or