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Attention all persons interested in participating in our annual fun-filled, laugh a minute production! The Young at Heart Players will be getting ready for this year’s production “The Pony Expresso” or “The Villain Came to a Grinding Halt” written by Rachel Davidson. Our first gathering for auditions will be held Tuesday, September 3 at 9:30 am in the Fitness Room at the HUB on Smith St. There are roles for 4 males and 7 females, and director Pat Tomsovic welcomes any persons interested in working backstage. Rehearsals will be held each Tuesday at 9:30 either in the fitness room or onstage. A few additional rehearsals will be scheduled closer to the performance dates which are Wednesday and Thursday, November 20th and 21st.

The melodrama is sponsored by the WYO Theater through WYO Play. Any questions about the production can be referred to Pat Tomsovic at 307-752-9070.

Tuesdays • Beginning Sept 3rd • 9:30-11:00 am
• $5 suggested contribution • Fitness Room