February 2018 Dream Vacation Winner

February 2018 Dream Vacation Winner

Congratulations Carol Swartz our second winner of 2018! Carol is so excited to be able to travel with the voucher she won! She says she never wins things like this and we are just so happy to be able to give her this opportunity! We have a winner every month!

2018-02-22T15:41:39-07:00February 22nd, 2018|

January 2018 Dream Vacation Winner

Congratulations Lisa Balstad our first winner of 2018! Lisa has a daughter attending Brooklyn College and is so excited that she will be able to take the family and go visit! We have a winner every month! To enter your name into the drawing come down to The Hub at

2018-01-25T12:59:08-07:00January 25th, 2018|

December 2017 Dream Vacation Winner

Congratulations Ronda Paavilanien, our December 2017 Dream Vacation winner! Ronda chose the travel voucher and is ready to take a much-needed vacation! She is one hard worker! We have a winner every month! To enter your name into the drawing come down to The Hub at 211 Smith St, or,

2018-01-25T12:52:30-07:00January 25th, 2018|

November 2017 Dream Vacation Winner

 Congratulations to Jerry and Penny Iekel our November 2017 Dream Vacation winners! They are planning to go see family they haven't seen for a long time with their travel voucher. We have a winner every month! To enter your name into the drawing come down to The Hub at 211

2018-01-25T12:47:09-07:00January 25th, 2018|

October 2017 Dream Vacation Winner

Kathy Sampson, October 2017 Winner Congratulations to Kathy Sampson our October 2017 Dream Vacation winner! Kathy was our very first winner of our Dream Vacation raffle and is so excited to have the opportunity to take a vacation! We have a winner every month! To enter your name

2018-01-25T12:39:05-07:00January 25th, 2018|

Employee Highlight

Staff Highlight – Barb Blue Barb Blue has worked for the Day Break program since February of 1995 – 23 years! Barb started as a fill-in person, working as needed.  When a regular position became available, she moved into that job. Around 2000, the job of Day Break Director opened.

2018-10-25T10:44:24-06:00January 15th, 2018|

Tannya Goodman

I was diagnosed with lymphedma in July of 2005. I continued to work, but in September of 2008 I became very ill and almost died. I was forced to retire early because of my chronic health problems. I struggled. I was introduced to the Sheridan Senior Center's Home Delivered Meals

2017-12-13T14:28:23-07:00December 13th, 2017|

Scarlet Peacock and her mom, Martha McKenzie

My mom, Martha McKenzie, went to Day Break (the Adult Day Care Program at the Hub on Smith) for the last year of her life. She enjoyed going there so much. My mom was not a very outgoing person. Prior to living with my sister for seven months, and living

2017-12-13T14:34:43-07:00December 13th, 2017|

Melissa Lagorio and her dad, Paul Tynan

My father, at age 96, has always reminded me of John Wayne. Stoic and always there with a great icebreaker. My father is also my friend, and it's hard to watch him become vulnerable. We started to realize that dad needed more assistance and someone to help him, but not

2017-12-13T14:53:29-07:00December 13th, 2017|

Formatting Example

Heading 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In lobortis neque vitae sapien pretium aliquam. Proin sed efficitur mauris. Nunc dui ante, laoreet et orci a, aliquet convallis tellus. Vivamus semper augue et quam eleifend, sed aliquet arcu egestas. Integer in ante ac urna accumsan sodales. Vestibulum eget

2017-12-21T10:35:37-07:00November 21st, 2017|
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